Meet the new school doctor, Shimohei Joutarou, who arrives at a prestigious all-woman academy with a mission to enforce proper conduct among the voluptuous student body. When he discovers a cesspool of academic and sexual misbehavior, Joutarou lays down the law and begins to rehabilitate the students with his own shocking style of discipline and punishment. Even the staff isn't immune to his creepy physical examinations, stiff rules and hard remedies for moral redemption. Absolutely Not For Children! (Adult OVA/ 3 Episodes/ 60 mins. Total) For ages 18 and over.
Meet the new school doctor, Shimohei Joutarou, who arrives at a prestigious all-woman academy with a mission to enforce proper conduct among the voluptuous student body. When he discovers a cesspool of academic and sexual misbehavior, Joutarou lays down the law and begins to rehabilitate the students with his own shocking style of discipline and punishment. Even the staff isn't immune to his creepy physical examinations, stiff rules and hard remedies for moral redemption. Absolutely Not For Children! (Adult OVA/ 3 Episodes/ 60 mins. Total) For ages 18 and over.
Meet the new school doctor, Shimohei Joutarou, who arrives at a prestigious all-woman academy with a mission to enforce proper conduct among the voluptuous student body. When he discovers a cesspool of academic and sexual misbehavior, Joutarou lays down the law and begins to rehabilitate the students with his own shocking style of discipline and punishment. Even the staff isn't immune to his creepy physical examinations, stiff rules and hard remedies for moral redemption. Absolutely Not For Children! (Adult OVA/ 3 Episodes/ 60 mins. Total) For ages 18 and over.