An Italian gothic thriller with many kinks, concerning a man whose efforts to help an injured woman take him to a strange castle inhabited by his and her "darker" halves. Lesbianism, whippings, black magic and more are in store with this shocker from director Luigi Batzella (aka: Paolo Solvay). With Rita Calderoni, James Harris, and Renato Lupi. 81 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English (dubbed); photo gallery; poster gallery; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.
An Italian gothic thriller with many kinks, concerning a man whose efforts to help an injured woman take him to a strange castle inhabited by his and her "darker" halves. Lesbianism, whippings, black magic and more are in store with this shocker from director Luigi Batzella (aka: Paolo Solvay). With Rita Calderoni, James Harris, and Renato Lupi. 81 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English (dubbed); photo gallery; poster gallery; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.
An Italian gothic thriller with many kinks, concerning a man whose efforts to help an injured woman take him to a strange castle inhabited by his and her "darker" halves. Lesbianism, whippings, black magic and more are in store with this shocker from director Luigi Batzella (aka: Paolo Solvay). With Rita Calderoni, James Harris, and Renato Lupi. 81 min. Widescreen; Soundtrack: English (dubbed); photo gallery; poster gallery; theatrical trailer. Dubbed in English.